Although we loved the Penny App from bottom of our hearts. Its sad to see that it was Acquired by the Fin-tech Giant CreditKarma. we really loved the simplified AI powered super-smart assistant giving us real world advise as you can read in below review. But she had to move on,hope we can too.
What are some other apps like penny?
Although penny is gone she has paved a way for us to use something similar for the same kind of features in different app.
While everyone’s needs are unique, a few of our favorites include:
- Square Cash: very popular neo-banking.Read our full review on Cash.
- Stash: Helps you get started investing with as little as $5.
- Qapital: Allows you to set rules that help you save more.
- Empower: Tracks your spending and income.
And of course, we recommend checking out Credit Karma! It’s the easiest way to keep track of your credit score (for free!), and can help you in a lot of other ways while you’re at it.
Penny App Review: The world is indeed turning up to AI and Machine Learning. Week by week, we are seeing an uptrend in AI-powered chat bots and Smarter application which takes care of everything from turning on your shower to switching off the lights when you leave home. Where it was still limited to smart homes and Smart assistants like google home and Alexa, the global app makers are not afraid to take few steps further in this innovation.

This week we came across a sweet but immensely smart AI-powered Bot app which acts as your Financial Guru. Penny app is your personal finance coach which acts as an assistant (just like google assistant) and gives you amazing insights on your finance. There are so many major players in Personal finance area already.Biggies like Mint and True Bill, Level money also serves the same purpose.but Penny takes the game further by making it a humanized chat bot which gives beautiful insights and pieces of advice regarding your spending habits.
Penny sends you beautiful tailored charts and insights to help you know how you’re spending in real time. Avoid overdrafts and “where did my money go?” damage control.
Also, Penny app automatically identifies spending across all of your accounts and categorizes your transactions into four simple categories. Never dig through your bank statements or miss an unexpected charge again.
We tested the penny app personally for more features claimed by founders Mitchell Lee & Alex Quach in California. founders gave a byte to the VentureBeat where they mentioned “Most personal finance apps are built by technical people, for technical people. They have tons of graphs and tables and budgets, which can be overwhelming to people who are just starting out or don’t care to get a degree in finance,” explained Penny co-founder Mitchell Lee. “Through conversation, we can explain complicated financial topics in easy to understand, friendly terms. Plus, Penny’s personality is lighthearted and encouraging, which makes engaging with your finances more palatable.”
Integrating your bank and credit cards accounts with penny is easy like anything,it will send you the id/pwd boxes every time you want to link something and that’s it! it will greet you with amazing memes when the integrations is successful.(we liked that! Penny!).
It is Safe and sound with bank-grade security. Built by industry veterans, protected by best industry practices.Penny only advises you; you always control your money.
Few of the features which sold us to penny in a heartbeat like these
- Penny sends you projections on the basis of your expenses :
As you spend money, Penny will let you know what you’re on track to spend that month. This is a great way of keeping you in check, in case you spent too much in the beginning of the month.
- It Is really a smart one :
Penny notices the transactions and reviews the details of it and gives you suggestions like after linking one of the bank accounts it suggested that as we do transaction with pay pal she can add our pay pal account to the portfolio. it will also give you an easy-to-access savings rate,and keep you on the track for your savings goal.
- It will compare everything for you :
you think you might be spending less this month,but its just a feeling. ask penny for the comparison and it will give you a nice and simple graph that you are actually doing worst compared to previous month( pun intended)
- It Makes finance fun:
yes penny knows managing finances efficiently sucks all the time. it really has a fresh approach to everything. it will even notice which restaurant you eat more often and how much bills you are still due to pay.
For some amazing magical conversations we had with penny you should check out the below screenshots.
So stop wasting your time on any other finance apps and check our penny today from our personal code (yes, the code is emoji): ??? (Lollipop,cherries,snail) you get to win gifts on sharing.

Let us know what your think of penny in the comments section below.