Google Assistant & Android Instant Apps : Back to the Future!

Google Assistant was introduced, Not long ago, last year the Search-Giant unveiled its plan to take the next leap in the tech industry. With Google, I/O 2016, google made specifically clear that they are into serious business with their new hardware line and their mobile platform will be extensively modified to make room for machine learning and artificial intelligence.

In the same direction, google launched its AI-powered Messaging app Allo and Duo a few months after the announcement. then they went on by making a successful launch of their hardware lines with their premium Pixel phones and surprisingly making a google market share as well. ( you can find our detailed review on them in the related articles below).

Google Assistant – why google is taking the step they refrained last year.Google Assistant - why google is taking the step they refrained last year.

One of the most exciting announcements at google IO was certainly about their smart AI program the mighty Google Assistant. but to make the broader market for their branded devices google made sure to make it exclusive to the pixel phones (they did not even offer it to the successor nexus brand).

After the successful hit of their pixel line of smartphones, google has given a possible happy news to the other android mobile users by deciding to make the assistant available to low-end users including their Marshmallow and Nougat users.

With their 3rd-highest market cap the marshmallow users are set to get the assistant.

Google’s AI-powered Assistant is coming to millions more Android phones

After using it they may move to the higher level that is what we think the google think-tank is thinking right now. Google says it’ll make the bot available to all phones running Android 6.0 and newer, as long as they’re running Google Play Services.

Android Instant Apps: Getting smarter on the web.

Android Instant Apps: Getting smarter on the web.
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Another great announcement googles made at last year’s Google I/O developer conference was the announcement of Instant Apps for Android. These new kinds of apps are meant to help bridge the gap between web apps and native apps. The idea here is to break native apps into very small packets that, because they are so small, can run almost instantly — and without having to go to an app store — when you tap on an URL.

Instant apps give a way for people to use with out actully going to app store or installing the app in the phone, the apps are treated web pages and you can instantly access,get over with it once your job is done.

BuzzFeed, Periscope, Viki, and Wish are among the handful of apps included in this early trial, but Google says that it will be able to “expand the experience” once it gets more feedback from users.

If a developer wants their android app to support this feature they just need to update their software with Instant App functionality, then “modularize” it so a small segment can be downloaded and run on the fly.

Developer can find more information to make their app an instant app from here.