How to Get your WordPress site on HTTPS for free under 5 minutes?

how to get https for free?

Https Trending:

Web security is a global phenomenon right now and everyone is talking about being safe and secure on the internet. but sometimes it can be nightmares to achieve those standards when all you know if that you have a website and you are selling products to your customer which you are making in the backyard!

An SSL certificate encrypts the connection between your site and your visitors’ browser so hackers can’t intercept and steal personal information. Normally, SSL certificates can be cumbersome to install and can get expensive, but this is changing fast. Not Securing your website is as grave a mistake as dumping undesired contents to your can also avoid those silly blogger outreach mistakes.

Here’s are few steps which will give you some insights into the world of https and how to get it free using few methods.

Adding SSL to WordPress Sites hosted using cPanel(Linux)


First of all, you would need a certificate and if you are going to try to buy from your hosting provider it will cost you few hundred $$$ to get it done. (GoDaddy’s current rate for SSL is 56/year). SSL For Free use Let’s Encrypt ACME server by using domain validation to provide you the certificate. It’s 100% free and certs are issued within minutes. Go to SSL For Free and add your domain to generate the certificates.


on the next page, you will see 3 methods of verifying the domain so that the domain validation certificate can be generated for your website. you can verify your domain using either of the method mentioned there and you can find the proper documentation for the same.

how to get free https on wordpress?Step-3

Once you verify the domain, on the next page the SSL will be generated in form of 3 random keys named as Certificate(CRT), Private key(KEY) and Certificate Bundle (CABUNDLE).  take a note of them and download the package on your computer


  • Log in to your cPanel account
  • Locate and click on SSL/TLS Manager in the Security sectionhow to get https for free?
  • Click on ‘Manage SSL Sites’ under Install and the Manage SSL for your website (HTTPS) menu.

how to get https for free?

  • Copy the certificate code you received from the Certificate Authority including —–BEGIN CERTIFICATE—– and —–END CERTIFICATE—– and paste it into the ‘Certificate: (CRT)’ field on the next page. The certificate files can be opened with the help of text editor on your computer.
    Note: The certificate code can be found in the file *yourdomain*.crt which is usually sent to you in the email from the Certificate Authority. Alternatively, it can be downloaded from your account directly.
  • Click on the Autofill by Certificate button, which appears next to the certificate entered, and the system will attempt to fetch the domain name and the private key. You may also choose the domain from the drop-down list and manually enter the certificate and private key into the corresponding boxes. If the system fails to fetch the private key, you can locate it in the Private Keys (KEY) section of the SSL/TLS Manager. Please remember to include Begin/End headers and footers for the certificate and the key.

how to get https for free?

  • Copy and paste the chain of intermediate certificates (CA Bundle) into the box under Certificate Authority Bundle (CABUNDLE).If you want to use this certificate for Mail Services (Exim and Dovecot), tick the checkbox ‘Enable SNI for Mail Services’. In this case, you will be able to use your domain, on which SSL certificate has been installed, as a hostname of the mail server configuring your mail clients to work via secured ports.Note! This option is available only starting from cPanel 11.48. If you have the older version of cPanel, you cannot use your certificate for mail. All Namecheap shared and reseller servers have cPanel 11.48 installed.


  • Click on the ‘Install Certificate’ button
  • Congratulations! The certificate is now installed on the server for your site. The site should now be accessible via https://. You can check the installation using this tool
  • how to get https for free?

And if you are still with us you have got yourself a secured website and share away with your customer that you are not secured with the latest https trend.

Please let us know if you have any question about the process or any other question regarding https. we will be happy to help.


Note: SSL for free only issue the certificates for 6 months you will have to renew it again in the same way after that.